需要由投资方予以准备的材料 |
You should provide follow documents |
如果是公司投资:准备总公司有效的商业登记证复印件(公司商业登记证须体现公司董事长或法定代表人)投资方法人的公证、认证。 |
If investor is a foreign company, provide the certificate of incorporation (copy) (The Certificate should show the Directors or the Legal Person.) |
如果是个人投资,需要投资人的护照复印件 |
If investor is a person, provide the person’s passport (copy) |
外国银行为投资人或投资公司开具的真实有效的银行资信证明 |
Certificate of credit issued by the bank which investor’s account in; |
注:投资者的商业登记证、资信证明、身份证明需要当地的公证机构公证,并且由中国驻当地的大使馆进行认证。(香港公司只需要当地公证,并需要在香港的中国法律服务香港有限公司盖一个转递章。) |
Notice:Investor’s certificate of incorporation, credit paper issued by bank and investor’s passport need to be draw up a notarial deed by law office and prove by Chinese embassy in investor’s country. |
新公司注册地址证明文件、租房合同、租房发票 |
Documents identifying the registered address of the new company; |
新公司章程、申请书、可行性研究报告、企业设立登记申请书、承诺书、委派书、企业秘书联系人表格等(我方提供样本,由投资方或者投资公司董事长亲笔签字),如设董事会,提供董事会成员的身份证明。经理、监事的身份证明。 |
AOA of WFOE, Application letter, Feasibility Study Report, Application form for the registration of the establishment of FIE in AIC, Registration Form of the Secretary (Liaison Person) of the Enterprise, Appointment, Promise file (We can provide the document’s format, only need investor’s signature.). |
新公司法定代表人一寸免冠照片3张,身份证明复印件5份,简历1份,秘书联系人身份证明复印件1份。 |
Three pieces of photo for new company legal person, and passport copy ,one resume (from 18 years old); |
其他审批、登记机关可能要求提供或补充的材料 |
Others documents that government need。 |
2.注册流程和时间Authorized items and Time
所需部门 |
Authorized goverment |
文件名称 |
Certificate’s name |
所需时间 |
Time |
深圳市工商局名称预先核准 |
Approve Company’s name by BAIC |
企业名称预先核准通知书 |
The company name approve letter |
1工作日 |
1 workaday |
材料整理 |
Prepare Files |
2工作日 |
2 workadays |
深圳市商务局 |
Commerce Bureau of Beijing |
《外商投资企业批准证书》(正、副本) |
Certificate of approval for establish WFOE |
35-40工作日 |
35-40workdays |
深圳市工商局 |
Beijing Industry and Commerce Bureau; |
《营业执照》(正、副本) |
Business License (Both original and duplicate) |
5工作日 |
5 workdays |
公安局刻章、备案 |
Registration with Public Security Bureau |
四枚章(财务章,法人章,合同章,公章) |
Four chops(finance; legal person; contract; company) |
1工作日 |
1 workaday |
质量技术监督局 |
Technology Supervision Bureau; |
《组织机构代码证书》(正、副本) |
Company Code Certificate (Both original and duplicate) |
5工作日 |
5 workdays |
深圳市各区国地税 |
both State and Local Taxation Bureau |
税务登记证(正、副本) |
Certificated of Taxation (Both original and duplicate) |
1-5工作日 |
1-5workdays |
国家外汇管理局 |
State Administration of Foreign Exchange |
《外汇登记证》 |
Certificated of Foreign Exchange |
7-15工作日 |